Texas Democratic Party

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GET THE FACTS: Ted Cruz’s Record of Border Obstruction

AUSTIN, Texas When it comes to securing our southern border and fixing our broken immigration system, Ted Cruz has had 12 years to do something, and has nothing to show for it. 

His record is clear:

At every turn – he’s part of the problem, not the solution. 

Check the tape:

  • In 2013, Ted Cruz proudly “led the fight to defeat” the Gang of Eight’s comprehensive immigration reform package.

  • It would have provided $4.5B in border security funding (including fencing) and 3,500 additional border patrol agents.

  • According to the AP, the package would “send $20 billion to immigration enforcement, providing money to hire thousands more officers to evaluate asylum claims, add hundreds of more Border Patrol agents and help stop the flow of fentanyl.” 

  • Cruz also voted against the Homeland Security Appropriations package this year – that John Cornyn supported, and was signed into law – which included millions in funding to hire a record 22,000 border patrol agents. 

“Ted Cruz has been given every opportunity to work across the aisle to secure our border, and every single time he says no. That’s because he cares more about political games than actual solutions. Texans need someone in the U.S. Senate who will roll up their sleeves and get something done, and that is Congressman Colin Allred,” said Texas Democratic Party spokesperson Ryan Radulovacki.
