Texas Democratic Party

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Texas Democratic Party Statement on Hypocritical Republican Voter Suppression Tactics by Dan Patrick

AUSTIN, Texas – Dan Patrick utilizes an underhanded voter tactic to delay thousands of mail in ballots from being counted, potentially disenfranchising Texans from selecting who they want to lead their state. Republicans have made it clear that their position is not to win over voters on policy but by limiting access to the ballot box.

Today, Texas Democratic Party Chairman Gilberto Hinojosa issued the following statement:

“The Texas Democratic Party is committed to fighting for the voice of every eligible voter to be heard —regardless of their party. Our democracy is stronger when all voters can participate in electing their leaders. We will not sit back and watch as the Republican Party continues their attacks on democratic institutions.

“Just today, we saw Lt. Governor Dan Patrick’s campaign encouraging voters to send their mail in ballots to the wrong place. A move that has the potential to keep thousands of Texans from participating in our electoral process.

“This is one of the many significant offenses we are experiencing in Texas due to Republican leadership of our state. Over the last year, Texas Republicans have done everything possible to make voting more difficult for Texans. Greg Abbott and Texas Republicans have continuously blocked our efforts to ensure all voters have the same opportunity to participate in our election process.

“While Republicans posture as defenders of elections, they continue an all-out assault on our democratic process. Since the passage of SB 1 - Governor Abbott and his fellow Republicans continue to ignore the rule of law while  suppressing the voices of thousands of Texans.

“Here is the truth, Republicans have no solutions to the challenges that our state is facing. They are committed to protecting the corporate interests that bankroll their campaigns. Texans have to ask themselves why Governor Abbott and  Republican legislators have not taken the necessary steps to weatherize our power grid? Why does our state leadership continue to deny health care coverage to over a million Texans by not expanding Medicaid? Why is our state leadership on a crusade to ban books? Every day, Texas Republicans show us that they are more committed to maintaining power than they are to delivering solutions for families who are struggling under their failed leadership.
