Texas Democratic Party

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Texas Democratic Party Announces 10th Annual Johnson-Jordan Dinner Keynote Speaker Kentucky Governor Andy Beshear

AUSTIN, Texas —  The 10th annual Johnson-Jordan Dinner falls on a crucial election year for Texas Democrats. We’re turning up the notch in our movement for a blue Texas with keynote addresses from Senate nominee Congressman Colin Allred and Kentucky Governor Andy Beshear.

Texas Democratic Party Chair Gilberto Hinojosa issued the following statement:

“Kentucky Governor Andy Beshear’s story shows Texans that even in the Deep South – Democrats can win. Last week, we saw positive polling with Vice President Harris cutting Trump’s lead in half, and Congressman Colin Allred statistically tied in the Senate race against Ted Cruz. Texans are ready for leaders who prioritize their needs over political games, who prioritize getting things done and it motivates us to continue fighting to send Ted Cruz packing and for a blue Texas.”
