2024-2026 SDEC & DNC
Please scroll below to view our SDEC and DNC Members. Click on the Party Officers tab above to view our State Party Executive Officers or view them below.
Our State Democratic Executive Committee — known as the SDEC (txdem.co/SDEC) — carries on the activities of the party in communities across Texas and conducts party business in committees. The SDEC is composed of leaders from Texas’ 38 congressional districts elected at every State Convention and official caucus representatives elected by their caucuses/caucus affiliated organizations, as well as the Party Officers (txdem.co/Officers) who are elected at Gubernatorial Year State Conventions or appointed by the State Chair.
Our Democratic National Committee Members — DNC Members — from Texas are representatives to the DNC and are elected at Presidential Year State Conventions or nationally via the DNC by DNC caucuses/rules or DNC Chair appointment. State Party Chair Gilberto Hinojosa and State Party Vice Chair Shay Wyrick Cathey are also automatic DNC Members who are elected at Gubernatorial Year State Conventions. Hinojosa is also appointed by DNC Chair Jaime Harrison as a National At-Large Appointee DNC Member on the DNC Executive Committee. One of the DNC Vice Chairs is also from Texas, Henry Muñoz.
SDEC Minutes, Notes, Rules, & Public Documents may be found at txdem.co/SDEC-Docs.
Committee Memberships, Committee Charges, upcoming meetings, and general information may be found at txdem.co/SDEC-Committees. The Public SDEC Calendar may be found below.