The Texas Democratic Party’s official program to take grassroots investment in our party to the next level.

Grassroots donations are the backbone of the
Texas Democratic Party.
The invaluable support of our sustaining donors allows us to expand our Democratic infrastructure across the state, register thousands of voters, protect voting rights, and support Democratic candidates up and down the ballot.
By becoming a recurring monthly donor you ensure that our team, our party leaders, and our volunteers have the tools they need to keep turning Texas Blue. You also gain access to exclusive news from the Texas Democrats in a quarterly newsletter.
Amplify your support of the Texas Democratic Party through our Texas Trailblazer Ambassadors program!
Thank you to our
Trailblazer Ambassadors!
Linda A, Darcy C, Thomas F, Sheron W, Mark M, Rodney H, Ruth S, David B, Susan B, Jennifer G, Andrea R,
Linda A, Darcy C, Thomas F, Sheron W, Mark M, Rodney H, Ruth S, David B, Susan B, Jennifer G, Andrea R,
To become an official TDP Ambassador all you need to do is recruit 10 friends (or strangers!) to become sustaining members.
Ambassador benefits include:
Access to all benefits of membership in the Texas Trailblazers
Complimentary VIP admission and behind the scenes access to annual Texas Trailblazers Block Party
Signature ambassador lapel pin
Ambassador Ribbon at Convention signaling your commitment to the party
Recognition at the Ambassador Level on the Texas Democratic Party website