Roadmap to VAN Resources

Everything you need to know about TexasVAN

What is VAN?

VAN (Voter Action Network / Votebuilder) is a database used nationally by Democratic campaigns and progressive organizations to perform voter contact. More specifically, VAN is used as part of campaign voter persuasion and “get out the vote” (GOTV) operations, to reach out to and have conversations with voters.

Who has access to VAN?

  • County parties, precinct chairs, SDEC members, and other organizations such as Democratic clubs are given access to VAN as representatives and volunteers of the state party to organize their communities. This granting of VAN is a privilege and can be revoked by the TDP at any time.

  • Campaigns and other committees pay a fee for access to VAN and must agree to and abide by specific rules in order to continue to have access to the database.

Where do I start?

Select an option below to learn more about how to best utilize your specific instance of VAN.