Donald Trump Once Again Chooses the NRA Over Uvalde Victims

AUSTIN, Texas – Days before the two-year anniversary of the Uvalde mass shooting, Trump is continuing to tell victims of gun violence to “get over it” by pandering to the NRA. Ahead of Trump’s remarks at the National Rifle Association’s Annual Meeting in Dallas, Texas Democratic Party Chair Gilberto Hinojosa released the following statement:

“Less than a week before the anniversary of the worst school shooting in Texas history, Donald Trump is once again disgracing the memory of the victims of the unspeakable massacre at Robb Elementary School by towing the NRA and gun lobby line. Donald Trump and Texas Republicans made the gun violence epidemic worse, especially in our state, where we have seen nine mass shootings just in the last 15 years. Even after Uvalde parents pleaded with Greg Abbott and Ted Cruz for commonsense gun safety laws, they decided, like Trump – that the NRA and gun lobby was more important.

“While Trump, Cruz and Texas Republicans side with the NRA, President Biden and Democrats are working with both parties on bipartisan, commonsense gun safety solutions that will make our families’s lives safer and finally curb the epidemic of gun violence.”

While Trump bends the knee to the NRA once again, President Biden is working to make our communities safer:

  • Trump told survivors of gun violence to “get over it.” 

  • As president, Trump made the gun epidemic worse by standing in the way of commonsense gun reform and pushing the NRA’s radical wishlist:



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