Texas Democratic Party

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“He May Not Listen to Kaitlyn’s Story, But He Will Listen to Our Vote” – Texans Highlight Cruz’s Abortion Record in Austin

“I was denied the care that I needed because of Texas's extreme abortion bans. I'm here today speaking because Ted Cruz is one of the reasons why.”

AUSTIN, Texas – Today Kaitlyn Kash, a plaintiff in Zurawski v. Texas forced to leave Texas for medically necessary reproductive care, Rep. Sheryl Cole (HD-46), and Texas Women’s Health Caucus Chair Rep. Donna Howard (HD-48) spoke out against Ted Cruz’s dangerous abortion record.

Speakers highlighted Cruz's refusal to take responsibility for the state of Texas reproductive care after pushing to overturn Roe v. Wade and fully supporting the Texas abortion ban, calling it “perfectly reasonable.”

“My first pregnancy five years ago was very textbook – and so three years ago, when I learned that I was pregnant again with my second pregnancy, I was overjoyed and expected a very similar journey. But a dream quickly became a nightmare,” said Kaitlyn Kash. “I was told that I needed to seek a second opinion, but I should make sure it was outside of Texas. I was sent out of the office with my medical records and told to figure out where I needed to go next. I was denied the care that I needed because of Texas's extreme abortion bans. I'm here today speaking because Ted Cruz is one of the reasons why these bans are in effect. He leveraged his position in the Senate to get judges, and to confirm the justices, that would then overturn Roe v. Wade. And when it happened, he called it a ‘massive victory’ because Texas's abortion ban is ‘perfectly reasonable.’”

“I appreciate Kaitlyn coming forward with her very personal story – I raised three boys and nothing has been more fulfilling in my life. But all the decisions concerning those boys should be made by my doctors, and me, and my husband.” said Rep. Sheryl Cole. “When Ted Cruz was asked eight questions by the San Antonio [Express-]News about abortion, he refused to answer. So I am here not to ask eight questions, but to simply ask one: Ted Cruz, why are you opposed to women's reproductive rights?”

“It's really hard to process the extent of the uncertainty, the danger, the fear that so many women in Texas are having to live with – Kaitlyn being a perfect example of that. It's difficult to even consider the reality that across Texas, women and girls are being forced to give birth to their rapist's child. But we know that that is happening, and it's the direct result of policies that Ted Cruz has pushed for for his entire political career,” said Chair Donna Howard. “‘When it comes to rape,’ Cruz once said, ‘I don't believe it's the child's fault…’ I would suggest to him that when it comes to rape, a child who has been raped – it's not that child's fault either. It's easy to make that statement that he made when you're running for president. It's much harder to take responsibility for the dangerous landscape your efforts created back home here in Texas. But that is why Cruz supports Texas's abortion ban. That is why he celebrated the fall of Roe v. Wade. This is – apparently – what he wanted for Texas. It's what he has been working for for years. And now Texas women must bear the consequences of his actions… Ted Cruz has ignored our calls because he only cares about his political career. He may not listen to our stories. He may not listen to Kaitlyn’s story, but he will listen to our vote.”
