QUICK CLIP: Pressed Repeatedly, Ted Cruz Refuses to Answer for No-Exceptions Stance on Abortion

AUSTIN, Texas – Everywhere Ted Cruz goes he’s getting pressed about his record of opposing reproductive freedom, and every time he tries to hide.

KHOU 11’s Len Cannon pressed Cruz repeatedly on his support for the Texas abortion ban. Cruz wouldn’t answer, and a Cruz staffer can be heard cutting Cannon off from asking any more questions.

KHOU 11: “Are you okay with no exceptions for rape and incest in the state of Texas?”

Cruz: “Well that’s a question the state legislature is gonna decide –”

KHOU 11: “What does Ted Cruz think?”

Cruz: “I think it is up to the voters of Texas to decide.”

KHOU 11: “What do you think?

Cruz: “I recognize you don’t like that answer, but that’s my answer”

KHOU 11: “I’m trying to get an answer.”

[Cruz staffer is heard cutting off the interview]



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