Report: “Republican Sen. Ted Cruz doesn’t want to talk about Texas’ restrictive abortion ban”

AUSTIN, Texas – Ted Cruz refuses to answer for his strong support for Texas’ near-total abortion ban. A ban that is a culmination of his years of work confirming anti-choice judges, pushing to overturn Roe, supporting extreme anti-abortion legislation and unpopular proposals like “personhood.”

According to a new report, “His evasiveness suggests that his record of opposing abortion access could be a liability for his reelection campaign.”

“A Cruz spokesperson did not immediately respond to questions for this story”

American Journal News: Republican Sen. Ted Cruz doesn’t want to talk about Texas’ restrictive abortion ban

By Jesse Valentine

  • Earlier this month, Texas Sen. Ted Cruz dodged a question from an interviewer about abortion rights. His evasiveness suggests that his record of opposing abortion access could be a liability for his reelection campaign.

  • Cruz sat for an interview with KXAS News on July 1. The interviewer, Phil Prazan, asked Cruz if he was comfortable with pregnant people needing to leave the state in order to get reproductive services. Cruz responded by talking about democracy.

  • Prazan asked Cruz a second time if he was comfortable with Texas’ abortion ban. Cruz tried to change the topic to in vitro fertilization.

  • Despite his non-answers, Cruz has a record of backing anti-abortion measures. In 2020, he signed an amicus brief asking the U.S. Supreme Court to overturn Roe v. Wade. In 2021, he said Texas’ proposed restrictions on abortion were “perfectly reasonable.” These positions put Cruz out of step with the 60% of Texas voters who say abortion should be “available in all or most cases.”

  • A Cruz spokesperson did not immediately respond to questions for this story.



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