Texas Democratic Party

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Ted Cruz RNC Speech Full of Lies and “Grotesque Rhetoric”

AUSTIN, Texas – Ted Cruz’s remarks at the RNC last night contained “staggering, dishonest” falsehoods – and no bipartisan solutions to fix the crisis at the border.

Coverage on Cruz’s lies below:

Washington Post: Ted Cruz pushes the GOP’s immigrant-voting lie deeper into the slime

  • [Cruz said Democrats] “wanted votes from illegals more than they wanted to protect our children.” This is simply grotesque rhetoric.

  • There’s no evidence of this, as House Speaker Mike Johnson (R-La.), the party’s legislative leader on the issue, has said in the past.

  • You can say it’s false. You can say it’s toxic. You can say it’s opportunistic or cynical or a degradation. But none of this really captures it.

PolitiFact: Pants on Fire – At #RNC2024, Texas Sen. Ted Cruz said, "Democrats cynically decided they wanted votes from illegals more than they wanted to protect our children."

  • We've found no effort by Democrats to register people in the country illegally to vote. Only U.S. citizens can vote in federal elections…

AP: FACT FOCUS: A look at ominous claims around illegal immigration made at the Republican convention

  • CRUZ: “Every day Americans are dying — murdered, assaulted, raped by illegal immigrants that the Democrats have released.”

  • THE FACTS: A number of heinous and high-profile crimes involving people in the U.S. illegally have been in the news in recent months. But there is nothing to support the claim that it happens every day.

Dallas Morning News: Cruz’s “assertion brought a quick rebuke from PolitiFact, which said on X ‘We’ve found no effort by Democrats to register people in the country illegally to vote.’”

  • Texas Democrats cited Cruz’s opposition to a 2013 comprehensive immigration proposal and another bipartisan plan negotiated between Democrats and U.S. Sen. James Lankford, R-Okla., earlier this year… Cruz has criticized the bipartisan proposals offered, saying they would make the problem worse.

Austin American-Statesman: “There is no evidence that migrants have contributed to an increase in crime in major U.S. cities, although there have been several high-profile crimes that have dominated national headlines…”

  • Cruz “voted against an immigration bill…that would have boosted funding for immigration agents at the border — a proposal the conservative-leaning Border Patrol union had endorsed.”

Houston Chronicle: “Numerous studies have found immigrants are less likely to commit crimes than U.S.-born citizens.”

  • The Texas Democratic Party issued a statement after Cruz’s speech saying the two-term senator has “been given every opportunity to work across the aisle to secure our border, and every single time he says no.”

Chron: “Cruz's speech also built upon previous conservative rhetoric alleging that Democrats were encouraging immigration at the southern border so that undocumented immigrants could vote blue.”
