Texas Democratic Party

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Texas Democrats Introduce Resolution Disavowing Anti-Semitism, Nazi Sympathizers, and Holocaust Deniers Following the Republican Party of Texas’ Failure to Pass Same Measures

AUSTIN, Texas – Today, the Texas Democratic Party is proud to announce that its party leadership has filed a resolution reaffirming our commitment to disavowing any association whatsoever with hate groups, anti-Semitic and Islamophobic individuals or organizations. This measure follows the Republican Party of Texas Executive Committee’s vote to maintain association with individuals and organizations with ties to anti-Semitism, pro-Nazi sympathies and Holocaust denial.

Texas Democrats are taking the language even further to address the rise of Islamophobia and xenophobia in Texas as the only Party committed to ensuring that every Texan can live protected from violence in a hate-free state. 

Texas Democratic Party Chairman Gilberto Hinojosa issued the following statement: 

“I am confident that the State Democratic Executive Committee of Texas will soon pass a resolution to do what Matt Rinaldi and the SREC wouldn’t: denounce anti-Semitism and hate-fueled violence without equivocation. Texas Republicans’ open embrace of hate groups and Nazi sympathizers is tearing our state apart – increasing violence and crime in Texas, and putting innocent lives at risk. The filing of this resolution should not be newsworthy, but lays clear the stark contrast between Texas’ two political parties, and the reality that the Republican Party is dominated by MAGA racist extremists who are grossly out of touch with the values of Texans, and whose unfitness to lead our state is glaring.” 

Rep. Jon Rosenthal and Houston City Councilwoman Abbie Kamim issued the following statements during the TDP press call with Jewish Community Leaders earlier today: 

“There is no more slippery slope than the refusal to ban and disavow people with these hateful views. It's beyond reckless for a party to casually accept racists, anti-Semites and Holocaust deniers – and it's unbelievable that such people would be allowed to sit on executive committees for an important organization like the Republican Party of Texas here – let alone participate in governing the lives of 30 million Texans. These are the same people influencing legislation that affects the lives of all of us. And it's unbelievably dangerous –  especially in a time such as this – to have these hateful ideologies in the same room where we're discussing the business of the people,” said Representative Jon Rosenthal.

“When you intentionally eliminate language in a resolution that would have banned associating with nazis and holocaust deniers, my question is: who are you trying to protect? There should be absolutely no wiggle room in Texas to associate with white supremacists and Nazi sympathizers.” Councilwoman Abbie Kamin continued, “Jewish Texans and Texans of all walks of life-Texans of every faith, race, ethnicity, have the right to feel safe in their communities. On the eve of Channukah, which begins tonight and is a celebration of light in a time of darkness – I loudly say that anti-Semitism is not welcomed here.” Kamin added that Islamophobia and Anti-Arab hate are also not acceptable.
