Texas Democratic Party

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Texas Seniors Call Out Ted Cruz’s “Plan to Raise the Retirement Age and Cut Social Security”

“Here’s my question: How high do you want to raise it, Ted? How many more years should we keep working before you let us stop?”

DALLAS, Texas – Today Texas seniors slammed Ted Cruz for his record of pushing Social Security cuts and wanting to raise the retirement age. The event was part of Texas Democrats’ “Ted Only Cares About Ted” press tour.

Video from the event is available here.

Judy Bryant from the Texas Alliance of Retired Americans and a 32-year educator, said:

“Social Security isn’t just a vital benefit that Texas seniors have paid into and earned. It injects more than $70 billion into the Texas economy each year. It’s a lifeline for people across this state. But it’s something that Ted Cruz has spent his career attacking... He’s called it a ‘Ponzi scheme.’ Tell that to a Texas senior and see what reaction you get.”

Kenneth Williams, Dallas President of the Texas Alliance of Retired Americans and an Air Force veteran, said:

“I'm listening to what Ted Cruz has been saying about Social Security… Ted Cruz supports tax cuts for the wealthy – meanwhile, he wants to try to cut the Social Security benefits, the earned benefits of American working families. This is a travesty. People have worked hard all their lives to earn Social Security benefits. You're not going to balance the budget by cutting grandma's Social Security check… Ted Cruz has been missing in action. Missing in action just like he was when the storm came and he went to Cancún.”
