Less Than 100 Days From Election Day, Ted Cruz is Only Fighting for Himself, Not Texans

AUSTIN, Texas – With 100 days to go until Election Day, Ted Cruz is still only fighting for himself instead of working hard on Texans’ behalf.

1. He’s recording 3 to 5 podcast episodes a week, that funnel money to his super PAC, while stonewalling three active ethics complaints against him.

2. Cruz himself helped establish Texas’ extreme abortion ban, and now that Texans are calling him out for it, saying “it’s on him,” he “doesn’t want to talk about” the impact of his actions.

3. He voted against legislation that continues to bring thousands of jobs to Texas.

4. He’s had 12 years to roll up his sleeves and do something bipartisan to secure the border, and has nothing to show for it. Instead, he spewed “staggering, dishonest” lies and “simply grotesque rhetoric” at the RNC.

We don’t have to be embarrassed by our senator – in just under 100 days, we can get a new one.



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